Atanas Kiryakov
CEO & Founder, Ontotext Atanas is the founder and CEO of Ontotext– Semantic Web pioneer and leading developer of semantic technology and knowledge graphs. Atanas is a partner and board member in Sirma Group Holding – the biggest Bulgarian IT business, listed at the Sofia Stock Exchange.
About this speaker
Atanas is a member of the board of the Linked Data Benchmarking Council standardization body, whose members include all major graph database vendors.
Kiryakov obtained his M.Sc. degree in CS from the Sofia University, Bulgaria, in 1995 with a thesis in AI. Today he is a top expert in semantic graph databases, reasoning knowledge graph design, text mining, semantic tagging, linking and search. Author of signature academic publications with more than 2500 citations.
Until 2010 Atanas was product manager of Ontotext GraphDB– a leading RDF graph database serving mission-critical projects in organizations like BBC, Financial Times, Nikkei, S&P, John Wiley, Elsevier, Fujitsu, Novartis, UK Parliament, Kadaster.NL, The National Gallery of US and top-5 US banks.
Atanas is currently working on methods for knowledge graph development, continuous updates, quality management and exploration. He steers Ontotext’s research agenda towards analytic methods that can derive entity and concept “fingerprints” or “embeddings” from big knowledge graphs. Such fingerprints can provide the kind of entity awareness necessary for efficiently linking data across different sources or disambiguate concept references in text.